1.1 These general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "T&C") apply to accommodation as well as to all services provided by the operator of the accommodation facility.

1.2 The client is advised in his own interest to familiarize himself with these GTC before making a reservation. The operator of the accommodation facility reserves the right to unilaterally change these GTC, while the change of GTC is effective from the day of their publication on the website of the operator of the accommodation facility. If the client does not agree with some provisions of these GTC, the operator of the accommodation facility asks him not to use the services of the operator of the accommodation facility. By confirming the reservation, the client explicitly and unconditionally agrees to the General Terms and Conditions of the accommodation facility operator.


2.1 Reservations can be made by phone, by email, through portals for booking accommodation (,, etc.) and by filling out the reservation form on the website of the accommodation facility operator or in person at the accommodation facility.

2.2 In the case of telephone and e-mail reservations, as well as in the case of reservations via the reservation form of the accommodation facility, the reservation offer will be sent to the email provided by the client. If the client does not respond to the offer from the accommodation facility within 24 hours, the obligation of the accommodation facility to provide the service to the client ceases.

2.3 The contract is created by the written confirmation of the reservation by the accommodation facility and has the force of a contract. An oral agreement or oral confirmation of a reservation does not have the weight of a contract.

2.4 Every accommodated guest is obliged to complyACCOMMODATION REGULATIONS of the accommodation facility as well as the GTC of the accommodation facility, and by making a reservation, the guest agrees that he has familiarized himself with the accommodation rules as well as the GTC of the accommodation facility and fully agrees with them.

2.5 If it is not excluded by the nature of the matter, the provisions of this article of the General Terms and Conditions also apply to the accommodation conditions of groups, with the proviso that the accommodated guest and the person who made the group reservation are jointly and severally responsible for the obligations towards the accommodation facility and observe the accommodation rules during the stay accommodation facility.


3.1 For the accommodation and services provided, the client is obliged to pay the price in accordance with the valid price list of the accommodation facility. The non-contractual guest always pays for the stay upon arrival at the accommodation based on the presentation of the bill or invoices together with the account of advances provided by the client. For a stay longer than six days, the client is obliged to pay a deposit for the stay in the amount of 50% and to pay extra for the stay and any other services and consumption at the end of the stay, unless the accommodation facility has agreed otherwise with the client. Account or the invoice for the stay is due when it is presented to the client.

3.2 The current prices of the accommodation facility for the rooms and services provided are available at the reception of the accommodation facility and on the

3.3 The accommodation facility, as a service provider, has the right to change the published prices, while they become valid at the moment of publication on the website of the accommodation facility.

3.4 In the event that the advance payment for the ordered service is not paid on time, the accommodation facility has the right to cancel the reservation and thereby withdraw from the contract. Withdrawal from the contract does not affect the cancellation fees, which are listed in point no. 4.


4.1 The accommodation facility is entitled to charge cancellation fees for pre-ordered agreed services in the event that the guest cancels his or her stay reservation or ordered service, or part of it. Notification of cancellation of a stay reservation, service, or part of it is accepted by the accommodation facility only in written form. The accommodation facility is entitled to charge for the cancellation of the reservation even if the guest does not notify the cancellation. The accommodation facility charges cancellation fees according to the following rules:

- cancellation of the stay, service, or part of it more than 28 days before starting the stay or using the service free of charge

- cancellation of the stay, service, or part of it 28 to 15 days before starting the stay or using the service is a cancellation fee of 50% of the price of accommodation and ordered services

- cancellation of the stay, service, or part of it less than 14 to 1 day before starting the stay or using the service is a cancellation fee of 100% of the price of accommodation and ordered services


Privacy protection

5.1 The operator of Soví Dom is the company AdBery .r.o., Pri Vápenický Potoku 35, Bratislava 84106, IČO: 44574215 (hereinafter only AdBery s.r.o.) processes personal data in accordance with the generally binding legal regulations of the Slovak Republic, especially in accordance with Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data.

5.2 The operator, AdBery s.r.o., processes personal data of clients for the purpose of booking, selling the use of services by clients in the operator's accommodation facilities and checking their use. On the basis of Act 108/2018 Coll., which amends Act No. 404/2011 Coll. on the residence of foreigners and on the amendment of certain laws as amended and which amend certain laws and Act 253/1998 Coll. on reporting the residence of citizens of the Slovak Republic and the register of residents of the Slovak Republic, personal data of clients are processed without the consent of the person concerned. Contact data, especially telephone number, e-mail address, persons staying together and other provided personal data are processed only with the consent of the person concerned, who can request their correction or deletion at any time.

5.3 The operator AdBery s.r.o., uses high ethical standards and respects clients' privacy. With the exception of disclosure of data required by law or other generally binding legal regulations, the operator will not make any personal data available to third parties without the client's consent.

5.4 The operator, AdBery s.r.o., in accordance with the laws of the Slovak Republic, carries out all measures and operations for the processing of personal data in such a way that the affected persons are properly and timely informed of their rights, which belong to them under the laws of the Slovak Republic and also on the basis of European legislation and binding international treaties and conventions. In the case of receiving a legitimate request from the person concerned, the operator will handle this request within 30 days from the date of delivery of the request.

5.5 The affected person has the right, based on a written request addressed to the operator, to request information about whether or not his personal data is processed in the operator's information systems, from which source his personal data was obtained, information about the scope or list of processed personal data, correction or liquidation of your incomplete, incorrect or out-of-date personal data, liquidation of personal data whose purpose for processing has already expired or which are the subject of unauthorized processing.

5.6 The person concerned has the right to object to the processing of personal data for purposes other than those for which the personal data were lawfully provided and to the processing of personal data that could unjustifiably and reasonably interfere with his rights and legally protected interests, as long as this objection is justified . The operator is obliged to block and dispose of such personal data without undue delay as soon as circumstances permit.

5.7. The affected person, who does not have full legal capacity, exercises his rights through a legal representative.


6.1 These General Terms and Conditions and legal relationships arising on their basis are governed by the legal order of the Slovak Republic.

6.2 Should any provision of these GTC be or become invalid, ineffective or unenforceable, such invalidity, ineffectiveness or unenforceability does not affect the validity and effectiveness of other provisions of these GTC.

6.3 When confirming the reservation, the client expresses his agreement with these GTC and undertakes to comply with them. The operator of the accommodation facility reserves the right to change these GTC. The obligation of written notification of changes to the General Terms and Conditions is fulfilled by placing the changed General Terms and Conditions on the website of the operator of the accommodation facility and in the premises of the accommodation facility and at the reception.

6.4 These General Terms and Conditions become valid and effective on 20.12.2022